Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ok now what do I do

Ok now I have added another border on this quilt and it is so big that it fits both of my daughter's beds.  Now here is the question, what do I do now?  My oldest daughter wants her room painted light blue, that would go beautifully with this quilt, but I'm not sure I have time to make another quilt before Christmas.  If I give the oldest one this quilt I will be obligated to make the younger one a quilt for her bed.  If not there will be mutiny in the Drummond house.  But I'm not sure if I can take that on with school and work in that time frame.  What to do !!! By the way the border is a prettier blue than it looks on this photo.  The saga continues .........

1 comment:

  1. Your quilt looks beautiful! I love the colors. That is definitely a tricky situation. Maybe your daughter could help you with it, that way she could say that she helped make the quilt on her bed?
